Remembering ... Honoring ... and Teaching

On Saturday, December 13th the annual Wreaths Across America ceremony was held across our nation and across the ocean to Remember (those who have fallen), Honor (those who have served), and Teach (our children the value of Freedom) at all of our nation's military cemeteries.

Photos by: MJWells & MBWells

Lynn Lupoli and Helen Cooney, Clermont Woman's Club past presidents, Suzy Gibson and her husband were privileged to attend the ceremony at the Florida National Cemetery in Bushnell, Fl. 

Just around the corner where the ceremony was being held, Mary Joy Wells, also past president, and her family were among the hundreds of volunteers who helped lay wreaths on veteran's grave.  Approximately 8,900 wreaths were placed at four of the sections that was covered this year.  While that is a remarkable achievement, there are over 100 sections that didn't have any wreaths at all. 

And so at the end of the ceremony when the bagpipes were silent and the twenty-one gun salute is over and taps were played, a plea and a challenge went out to all present.  Next year is the tenth anniversary of the ceremony at Bushnell and the goal is to have at least 10,000 wreaths for our fallen veterans.

With your help, we can achieve this goal.  Each wreath cost $15.00, a very small price to pay to honor a veteran.  You have a year to help us plan to make sure that we, the members of the Clermont Woman's Club do our part!  

10,000 Wreaths for 10yrs in 2015 ... Let's make this happen!
Don't be the one to say "I should have" be the one to say "I did!"